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Thank you for choosing to spend your time with Goldfish Grimm’s Spicy Fiction Sushi. The support shown to us on Twitter and the never ending submissions have truly made this worth it. But let’s get to the good stuff: why did this all start and where is it going to go?

Goldfish Grimm started as an idea about a year ago centered around the following notion: what would a fiction magazine look like if it was built by a designer who just so happened to like reading fiction? Throughout the year, the idea came up time and time again. What if this magazine was open to all kinds of stories and could give them a home the authors could be proud of?

This is where Goldfish Grimm was born, at the meeting of great fiction and graphic design. I’m sure you’ve already noted the Goldfish Grimm difference in how we present each issue and the stories we feature. The concept is simple: give the stories of the month center stage and allow the writers to be highlighted. See? Simple. You will also see that the stories aren’t buried under news updates, blog posts, and other content. That’s all saved for the section of the site you’re on now.

Goldfish Grimm’s Spicy Fiction Sushi is not just a fiction magazine, it’s a living entity. The concept of Goldfish Grimm is to be a magazine by a designer, so it will include the perk constant fine tuning. As feedback rolls in, updates will be planned and researched. My true joy is reading the stories coming across my desk, but it’s also building and stretching the design I care about. So don’t be alarmed if things are tweaked as the months go on.

Looking ahead to the rest of the year (and the years that follow), we’d like to open up to 4 stories a month. We don’t plan on publishing more than that, as that would go against the vision of the magazine. We plan on providing content free on our site, but we are looking into publishing ebooks monthly that can be purchased. Of course, the content of the purchased issues will include extra stories and/or art. If support really rolls in, we would ultimately like to raise our rates to semipro. But we can’t do this all on our own, It requires support from you, the readers, in the form of donations and/or sharing the fantastic stories in each issue with your friends.

Please enjoy the first issue of Goldfish Grimm. We’re eagerly anticipating your feedback and if you like what you read, please consider leaving a small donation so we can keep doing what we love.