Sorry we’ve been a pile of fail here at the Goldfish. Matt and I have a confession to make: we’re exhausted. We’ve been frantically trying to do everything we did before having a baby and it’s just not happening. So, we were faced with a decision: close up shop for good or bring in some new folks to help out.
Kelly Stiles has been on staff as a slush reader since January and we brought Michael Haynes on board in July. They’ve done a great job. They’re flying through slush like pros. It was the second round stuff that got neglected because we have no time. So! Without further adieu, we’d like to announce that Kelly and Michael will be taking over all editorial duties for Goldfish Grimm’s from this day forward. We’ll still be backing the magazine and doing promotional stuff but when it comes to the slush pile and editorial positions, we no longer have our hands in the mix.
Now, the important info:
Response Times
Kelly and Michael have set a goal of getting responses to all stories sent prior to August 15th by the end of September and all stories sent between August 15th and today by October 15th. In an effort to minimize stress as the new editors get caught up with everything, we’re temporarily closing to submissions. We will re-open to subs no later than January 1st, 2014.
Publication Date
The 15th of each month is slated to be the new publication date. The date of the first issue with the new editorial team will be announced in the near future.
First Readers
Later this year, Kelly and Michael will be taking applications for new first readers to come on-board along with the re-opening of submissions. If you are interested in this position and want Kelly and Michael to send an application to you when they’re ready to review applications, please let us know.
Meet the New Editors
Now the fun part. Get to know your new editors! When we re-open to submissions, make sure you address your cover letters to Kelly and Michael.
About Kelly Stiles
Kelly Stiles loves both reading and writing. She has been published in the In Situ anthology, at With Painted Words, and has a story coming out next year with Fireside Magazine. In addition to wrangling for the goldfish, she is also an acquisitions editor of novellas for Dagan Books. Her day job is in the local national park. You can visit her blog at
About Michael Haynes
An ardent short story reader and writer, Michael has had stories accepted for publication by Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, Daily Science Fiction, and numerous other venues including an appearance in Issue 3 of Goldfish Grimm’s (“Twenty-Seven Rules for Coping“). In addition to his new role in the Fish Bowl, he is the Editor for the monthly flash fiction contests run by Kazka Press and an Associate Editor for the “Unidentified Funny Objects” anthology series. His website is